
Jenny's Blog

Exhibition News

My online exhibition was a great success! Thanks to everyone who participated in the launch by viewing online on 11th April, wine and cheese in hand! I’ve had so much response, not only in sales, but in photos, comments and emails from folks in the audience. What fun! We will certainly do it again some time. In the meantime, you can still view the exhibition online from my homepage. So grab your refreshments and enjoy this innovative art experience. Allow 40mins to view the whole event. Cheers, Jenny Greentree

Exciting news!

There’s been exciting things happening at the gallery this week.    Firstly, our fabulous new website has gone live. I encourage you all to check it out and have a good browse through our shop.    Secondly, I am launching my online exhibition “Seasons Come and Seasons Go” at 5pm, Saturday 11th April. This innovative idea came about as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions that have seriously affected my business. I decided to turn this negative into a positive. Many people were disappointed events were cancelled and they can’t travel at Easter, so here’s an event you can still attend from the comfort of your own home. You can view it on the Exhibition page.  Cheers for now, Jenny Greentree

Darling River Video Blog

To all my subscribers, Welcome to my blog page. I will be upgrading my website very soon so I am using this basic page as a blog. I will have my web builders create a custom blog on the new website. I will endeavour to blog weekly and I will post reminders on Facebook. Thank you everyone for subscribing and I do want to give you all exclusive VIP access to my artist world. Your window to my world will be through web-links in emails I send you. I am aiming to launch my first special offer for subscribers next month so keep an eye out. I am excited about this.    My first blog content is mainly video of the Darling River literally in my backyard. Steve (my cameraman and co-narrator) and I recorded history yesterday of the dry Darling River….. Video Blog – Click here

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